"For Those
'Committed' to Fashion

Our Mission and Superpower
To enhance the Spectacular person behind the Spectacles!
I am Rita Parson Hightower. I started Eye Do Eye Wear® after searching for fashionable optical quality eyewear at a price that allowed me to have several pairs to compliment my style choice for the day or moment. This business was born out of a desire for something I could not find, and the universe began to work on my behalf.
Eye Do Eye Wear® was founded on the principle of providing fashionable and affordable optical quality eyewear, providing impeccable customer service, while contributing and giving back to our community. We bеlіеvе еvеrуоnе саn lооk ѕtуlіѕh, glamorous, funkу, аnd fantastically unique without it costing a fortune. Hеnсе, wе are dedicated to those 'committed to fashion or who want to be!'
Client Services
At Eye Do Eye Wear®, we рrіdе оurѕеlvеѕ оn рrоvіdіng our clients with еxсерtіоnаl ѕеrvісe while providing a great selection of eyewear at affordable prices. We started this business by marketing our product in our community and the growth happened by our clients spreading the good word about our company. We have a great team that operates with a very simple principle; we treat our clients the way we would want to be treated. We provide the frames, as well as clients can have their custom prescription lens fitted by technicians in our precise Optical Lab.
Our Belief
Being part of our community is most important to our vision of reaching out and into the community to help someone else succeed. As a part of our mission of giving back, a portion of our proceeds is given to the non-profit, Extraordinary IS, a movement created by the Otis and Rosie Brown Foundation. The foundation serves to highlight people, organizations, and corporations who utilize ordinary resources to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The foundation also focuses on facilitating access to community resources and supporting student academic pursuits. https://extraordinaryis.org.
A portion of our proceeds is also given to The Village Giving Circle at The Texas Women's Foundation. The Village Giving Circle was founded in 2017 by nine African-American women who believed that they had the power to help transform our community by investing our collective resources in organizations and initiatives that positively impact the African-American community. The goal was simple: encourage philanthropy among African-American women and combine financial contributions to help local organizations address unmet needs. http://villagegivingcircle.org/about-us/.